How to save more money on your monthly bills
Learning how to save money is something that everyone needs to learn how to do at some point in his or her life. Some people learn financial responsibility sooner...
Learning how to save money is something that everyone needs to learn how to do at some point in his or her life. Some people learn financial responsibility sooner...
Ever wondered what to wear for interview, meeting or first day at the office? You can look your best and professional with these quick fashion tips for everyday professionals....
Hi guys, do you remember all your New Year resolutions and plans? How well did you do so far? Doesn’t matter, this time its all about you and the...
Christmas is a special season for many people. It’s one of the few long holidays that you get during the year which means there’s so much that can be...
We had to wait a little longer than usual this year, but Game of Thrones is back! The penultimate season is expected to be packed with dramatic action, and...
At the beginning of April, I visited a fourth international design festival Prague Design Week 2017. I was surprised that it was much smaller than Prague Design Week 2016,...
Welcome to UK! Welcome back to reality! My return from beautiful Greek to the Great Britain was one funny night, I’d like to share it with you guys! Coming...
Hi guys, long time no see! Have been waaaay too busy with my design work & planning new travel adventures. Vienna, London, Greece are next on my list :)...
I’m not as excited about politics as some of my friends are. But something big like this made me nervous & curious. It was my genuine negative surprise of...
I always dreamed about a fancy race day. Dressing up, looking all pretty, sunny day with friends & glass of wine, while watching a race. Its something posh &...
Hi Guys! Are you one of those people – listening to the same music over & over again, like me? Are you looking for new music? Check out M(a)y...
I always loved a Film & travelling is my passion. So naturally I like to visit places from my fave films. Experience the 4D reality. Check these 5 beach...
Hi guys! Sorry for a long gap between posts. After all I was on holidays & needed some relax :). But I’m back with another chapter of my Thailand...
Hi to all my friends in USA! Came across this useful info about Medical billing errors recently, so wish to share it with you guys. Hope it helps. The...
Last week Prague held a Prague Design Week 2016. I almost forgot about it thanks to a busy schedule & beautiful weather :) But curiosity kicked my ass. So...
One day in Dubai was more than enough, let’s see what Bangkok is about! Looking forward to this crazy city I know only from Hangover II & some other...
Hi guys! I would like to take all of you on my first big travel adventure on my own. BiloTrip to Dubai & Thailand. As Im not very good...
Early this year I found a great shopping destination in Europe. I was convinced that my shopping times are over here in Prague, but then I discovered my new...
Being creative is a part of my nature, but sometimes we all need a fresh kick of ideas, creativity & encouragement. Reasons to be Creative – London 2016 –...
Hi guys! Just came back from London few days ago. I had a great busy time with my friends, fellow designers & bloggers. Get another chance to visit London’s...